Sunday, April 17, 2011

This year in LIt

This class has been full of information that has definitely made me think inside and outside of the classroom. I have become much more aware of my surroundings and the things that go on in society. The many novels and articles we have read have all provoked some kind of emotion in me. Some good, some bad, some of utter disbelief. I enjoyed the chance to discuss readings within a small group, I think it enhanced my understanding of the different materials, and made for some very interesting conversations and discussions.

I know now what a powerful role the media plays in our everyday lives. I know I will take this knowledge with me throughout the rest of my time here at Shippensburg and even further into my future.


  1. It is impressive how media can control what you think or view something. It is important to still think for yourself and not just follow the "in" thing. However, I feel as if these books and reading over exaggerated the effects of the media. I also agree that talking in small groups enhanced the understanding of the materials and led to good discussions.

  2. I also have become more aware of my surroundings after taking this class. It is interesting how media plays such a powerful role in our lives, one that I payed little attention to before this class.
