Friday, April 8, 2011

No more books

I think if there were no more books, at first no one would miss them. I think after time they would be missed. I know that I enjoy reading a book for fun, of my own choice. It relaxes me. They also help us to use our imagination and creativity. You get to imagine scenes that are described and what the characters of the novel might look like. Without books our creativity may go down the toilet.

I think we are metaphorically burning books everyday when we go see movies, even just watching tv. We are too lazy to read books most of the time. We come up with excuses like there is no time for them. I think we should start making some time for them, before they are gone forever.


  1. I agree with you, books help us use our imagination and creativity. We get to imagine what the characters look like and what the scenes look like instead of some director telling us what it looks like. People would probably not miss them at first but in the end there would be a huge hole in our lives without them. We do say that we have no time but if you think about all the time you sit and watch tv, thats time you could spend reading. It's interesting to think about.

  2. I like reading a book if there is a movie coming out about it because I like to have my own idea in my head about the characters and such, but then I also think that the movie is not as good as the book.

  3. I like reading books, but then again, I'm an English major for a reason. I think a lot of people would miss books if they were gone, but some might not realize it right away. Interesting thoughts about burning books by watching movies and TV.

  4. I agree that we wouldn't really miss books that much at first, but after awhile it would be weird that we couldn't read anything anymore. It is kind of like the saying you don't know what you have until its gone.
